Our Services

Domiciliary Care
Care in your own home
- Assistance with a good start of day, with help to get up, wash, shower or bath, get dressed and have breakfast.
- Helping with shopping support.
- Preparation of food and drink.
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- Performing domestic tasks such as cleaning, laundry and ironing either on a regular basis or as a ‘spring clean’, whatever the season.
- Provision of care services through the night, for example, a ‘sleeper night’ basis, where the care worker expects a reasonable night’s sleep but is on hand for emergencies, or a ‘waking night’ where the care worker is on duty throughout the night.
- Ensuring a timely prompt for medication.
- Pampering sessions – the occasional visit to organise bathing, clean clothes, fresh bedding and a thoughtfully prepared meal before bedtime.
- Help with getting ready for bed.
- Live in care – providing a care worker to live with you in your home. Similarly, we often provide live-in care when a service user needs temporary support through a period of convalescence or recuperation when returning from hospital.

End Of Life Care
We specialise in End of Life Care. Our carers have a passion for care which makes a real difference to people’s lives. Our goal is to provide high quality personal care for people in the final period of life in their own homes.
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To achieve this, we:
- Ensure patients have their symptoms controlled
- Enable patients to be as comfortable as possible and die peacefully in their own home
- Encourage security and support through advanced care planning, involving the service user and their family
- Empower carers through regular communication, listening and addressing issues proactively and promptly at all times.
- Educate staff to increase competence and confidence

Live – In Care
Live-in care provides flexibility when, typically a service user needs a personal assistant around the house at various times of day or night to assist or carry out varying tasks. No two days need be the same and our service users can, if they wish, choose a different…
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agenda each day. The daily tasks of everyday living can be fulfilled by the Personal Assistant but he/she can also help with pastimes and activities if required.

Learning Disabilities Care
We provide a wide range of care that is flexible, ranging from personal care through to support in leading an independent life, for example, a trip into town for shopping, meeting friends, or pursuing a favourite sport or hobby.
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Our care workers are highly trained, with extensive practical experience across many different areas of learning disability. These include behaviours that challenge, autistic spectrum disorders, complex health needs, physical disabilities and sensory impairment.

Physical Disabilities Care
Glee Care provide a professional service which can help maximise independence. We understand that service users have varying needs. Frequently we help with elements of personal care such as help with getting up, with everyday tasks like…
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cooking or laundry, or washing and showering.
However, our service goes further than this. Our ethic is to help people enjoy as full a life as possible. We help people to be independent. If you have a physical disability (or someone living with you has) you may need assistance to enable you to use essential facilities in your home, for instance the bathroom or kitchen. Or you may need help with
personal care, or for accessing the community.
We also provide you with tailor-made support and assistance, delivered by caring professionals enabling you to live life to its full potential.

Respite Care
While you remain at home, the physical, emotional and financial consequences for the family caregiver can be overwhelming without some support, such as respite. Respite provides the much needed temporary break from the often…..
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For carers, respite care allows them to take the break that they need, safe in the knowledge that their relative is getting the care that they need.
Being a carer can be very demanding, taking up a lot of emotional and physical energy. Carers often feel worried or guilty about taking time off. But taking breaks from caring is very important, for both the carer and the person being cared for.
Glee Care provides you with the support that is required by the care giver and carer.